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You can get worn out even from the things you love

It is important to acknowledge when you need a break and prioritize your mental health when you feel over worked. This feeling can come from anywhere, even when you are constantly doing the things you love! And I LOVE modeling!

You know, chasing a goal especially a big one, can be intimidating. But after 6 months of going full time into this dream of mine, I feel so blessed for each and every booking. It's the little things that add up over time Just want to remind you, as you chase your goals, don't forget to give yourself some time to rest! I've been in 7 states this past month and was dealing with a few losses and passings……. Trying to force a smile can be hard, and you CAN get worn out even when you're doing the things you love most! So be kind to yourself friends and keep people in the loop when you're struggling.

Things you can do when you’re feeling worn out: 1. Identify Immediate Changes You can make for Yourself:

Evaluate your existing commitments and consider canceling or rescheduling a few. The immediate relief this brings may surprise you.

2. Talk to Someone You Trust:

My trusted people include my Mom, my Dad, and my closest best friends Angela, Kalani, Yesenia, and Kylie.

Burnout can become so overwhelming that determining how to address it still seems exhausting. It’s also hard to identify potential solutions when you totally spent.

Involving a trusted loved one can help you feel supported and less alone. Friends, family members, and partners can help you brainstorm possible solutions.

3. Set Boundaries:

Setting limits on the time you give to others can help you manage stress while recovering from burnout.

“Accepting too many commitments can cause overwhelm,” Sueskind explains.

Before you agree to help someone or accept an invitation, she recommends the following:

  • Push the pause button.

  • Take a moment to walk through everything that will be required of you if you agree.

  • Ask yourself if you really have the time and energy.

  • Consider whether doing it offers value to you.

Part of boundary setting also involves learning to say no.

“You’re not lazy, selfish, or mean for declining a request for your precious time,” Sueskind emphasizes. “Being selective about accepting commitments is key to taking care of your mental health, honoring the truly important commitments, and proactively preventing burnout.”

4. Pay Attention to your Needs

Taking charge of your physical and mental health is key to burnout recovery. In an ideal world, reaching the point of burnout would mean you immediately take time off, clear your schedule, and dedicate your days to rest and relaxation. But most people simply can’t do that. If you have school, sports, or bills to pay and people to take care of, quitting may seem impossible until you have other prospects. If you’re caring for a sick family member who has no other relatives, you may not have anyone else to turn to for support.

Practicing good self-care can make recharging easier while you try other strategies to reset.

Try these tips:

  • Make enough time for restful sleep.

  • Spend time with loved ones, but don’t overdo it — alone time is important, too.

  • Try to get some physical activity in each day.

  • Eat nutritious meals and stay hydrated.

  • Try meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices for improved relaxation. Looking forward to resting the next few days, and friends I encourage you to do the same! As always, thanks for reading and hope you have a blessed day!

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